What type of reef tank is the best?


New member
If you can start all over again, what type of reef would you create in your own tank? SPS only, LPS only, softies only, or a mix and match?

I am trying to decide on what type of corals I should aim for in my new 72x36x28" tank and would I like to hear the opinions and experiences, as well as the pros and cons, on each of the different "reef-ecosystems".
I think you're better off asking in the Reef Discussion section, this is the Coral Propagation and Aquaculture section.
My frag tank is SPS and Softies. No LPS, i worry about chemical warfare. Also LPS besides acans are boring to me.
I only have SPS and Zoas in my tank. If I were to upgrade to a larger tank I'd go with the same.

But honestly this question is purely personal preference. What do you like to look at? Go with that.
For me, I have learned more of what I don't want. Some stuff gets out of control (xenia, certain mushrooms, etc.). Otherwise there are some pretty bad *** pieces of every kind of coral (sps, lps, and softies)!!!
Yea it truly is personal preference and i agree with fity2pounder theres usually a type of coral usually those that grow uncontrollably versus only one type that you like. There are a ton of beautiful corals of all types so it just really boils down to what you would want in your reef!