What will happen with my zoas?


New member
Im new to the reefing hobby and my 12gal has been running close to a year now. When I added my first ever zoas to my tank I had a crazy idea to place three differant types on one rock. There are eagle eyes, bubble gums, and some pretty purple green zoas on a rock about the size of a softball. I was kinda hoping they would all grow together and have a nice look. Now that the frags have finaly started spreading the look is nice but I'm kinda worried that maybe they will compete with eachother and maybe one will dominate. Is that gonna eventualy happen? Also whats the possibility of the zoas crossbreeding between the two colour morphs?
Yes it is possible that one type of zoa will take over the others, especially if those bubble gum zoas are palys. Zoas do not mix between each other so there is no worry of crossbreeding.

If you can take a frag of each type of colony. By doing this you will have samples of each color just in case one colony takes over and makes it hard to frag the others.