What will I need


Premium Member
I have an apex and I am considering upgrading to a profilux. I am looking at getting a profilux III. I need to control 3 tunze pumps, 2 dimmable LED channels with meanwell drivers, 2 ph probes and a float switch. My question is do I need any additional equipment to control the tunze pumps or the LEDs? The LEDs just need a 1-10 volt for each channel. I guess there is a cable for the tunze pumps right?
Welcome to the GHL ProfiLux club ;)

All you need to control the tunzes

2 x Tunze 1 cable
1 x tunze 2 cable
1 x YL2-1 spliter cable

For the additional pH (P3 comes as standard with one pH port) you would need PLM-pH which comes with a pH probe for free also.

For the meanwells it all depends on how you want them to be controlled, for ultimate control use the EVG PCB that senses 0V and turns the main 110V off to the driver creating sage isolation, this also eliminates the need for the drivers to be on any timer when you want the off.

GHL has huge LED flexibility and options. Please let me know if there is any further info you need.

Best purchasing place is www.progressivereef.com they are also RC sponsors. They can build you a full pack to suit your tailored needs.