What Would U Do With A 120g Tank?


New member
i have a 120g reef.. and i have the opportunity to buy another 120g for a good price.. i have no use for it but i just want to get it because the price is so good.. i dont want another reef, so a FO or FOWLR comes to mind..

what would u guys put in it?

i was thinking of maybe an octopus and baracuda.. or maybe a trigger tank with a bunch of 3-6 inch triggers..
hmmm 6 foot fish in a 6 foot tank. No barracuda. The octapus would be the only thinh in the tank if you wanted to go that direction.
Freshwater planted aquarium, an excuse to buy more halide lights, maybe a chiller, and more exotic, expensive equipment :cool: Or just plumb it into your reef some how ;)

I have been thinking about this alot and I think I would do the opposite of the usual and do a low flow seahorse refuge!!!! you would save a ton on pumps since you wouldnt need alot of flow, lighting would depend on what you were planning on keeping with them.....I think it could be pretty cool! and these guys are as aggro as it gets! LOL...or you could point me in the direction of this cheap 120 and Ill buy it!
the only seahorses im interested in are the pygmy seahorses that match the color of the gorgonian they live on.. i would do that, but i dont think anyone sells pygmy seahorses..
Do a FOWLR. Put it next to the reef tank and stock it with Butterfly fish...oh the irony.

Seriously though I wouldn't buy it. A 120 makes a great reef tank but a small FOWLR tank. It's also too big for a frag tank. As for triggers how many do you actually think you could put in there? If you're still serious, maybe you could do an Undulated and a Dragon Eel OR a pair of Blue Throats and a school of those Striped Damsels.