I have had my lovely (pride and joy) tank up and running since august. It's a 5x2x2 with sump,using T-5's,and a apf600 Deltec skimmer,60 kg of really good live rock. I've had great success with softies,LPS,mushrooms,zoo's,and montipora digita. Plus I have some lovely fish
Niger Trigger
Pair of orchid dottybacks
Pair of clarki clowns
pair of clown gobys
Midas Blenny
Chevron Tang
Eibl Angelfish
7 Green chromis
Thing is im moving soon,there will be an overlap period where i could move the fish tank. I'm only moving 50 miles,but the thought of moving the tank and livestock is so daunting. Do you think I should take the fish back to shop and get charged for them to look after them for me,or sell them :-( or go for it,and move them,with the tank.
I'm cr*pping myself at the thought,to be honest. :mixed:
Niger Trigger
Pair of orchid dottybacks
Pair of clarki clowns
pair of clown gobys
Midas Blenny
Chevron Tang
Eibl Angelfish
7 Green chromis
Thing is im moving soon,there will be an overlap period where i could move the fish tank. I'm only moving 50 miles,but the thought of moving the tank and livestock is so daunting. Do you think I should take the fish back to shop and get charged for them to look after them for me,or sell them :-( or go for it,and move them,with the tank.
I'm cr*pping myself at the thought,to be honest. :mixed: