What would you do?


New member
I have had my lovely (pride and joy) tank up and running since august. It's a 5x2x2 with sump,using T-5's,and a apf600 Deltec skimmer,60 kg of really good live rock. I've had great success with softies,LPS,mushrooms,zoo's,and montipora digita. Plus I have some lovely fish

Niger Trigger
Pair of orchid dottybacks
Pair of clarki clowns
pair of clown gobys
Midas Blenny
Chevron Tang
Eibl Angelfish
7 Green chromis

Thing is im moving soon,there will be an overlap period where i could move the fish tank. I'm only moving 50 miles,but the thought of moving the tank and livestock is so daunting. Do you think I should take the fish back to shop and get charged for them to look after them for me,or sell them :-( or go for it,and move them,with the tank.

I'm cr*pping myself at the thought,to be honest. :mixed:
If you come up with a plan and stick to it, there should be no problems. We did a similar move last year when we broke down our 55 gallon and moved into our new house, setting up our 125. We saved all the water from the 55 by using 5 gallon buckets. All the LR went into a plastic tote with a little bit of water and wet paper towels. And all the livestock went into individual bags (that was the hard part). But we moved about a half hour away and we lost no livestock. You just need to come up with a moving plan.
I know how you feel. Our 55 was so established I hated the fact that we had to disrupt it. But it all turned out OK and I'm sure it will for you too :)
We did it too! We moved 7.5 hours away. We put all of our water and LR into a very large container, keeping it airated.

As far as our livestock and corals, we put them in a 3' x 3' x 1' high container with airstones and a heater... everything survived. :)

Good luck with your move!