What would you do?


New member
OK last Wednesday i ordered 180lbs of CURED live rock from a online dealer.

They shipped the rock monday because they were affraid with ups ground it wouldnt make it here by friday (even though it should of because its a 2 day ship). So the rock shows up Wednesday and there is only 100lbs of the 180lbs... I call the company up they say we shipped 5 boxes (i only got 3) so he tracked the missing 2 packages and there we being sent back to the shipper because apperantly they got damaged.

Its Friday and the shipper got 1 of the packages today and im guessing the other one will be there tomorrow.. Well he says if the rock isnt broken he will package up and reship.. And im like wait a second you would ship the package wednesday in fear of it being out of water for 4 days.. if you repackage this stuff back up and ship it to me it will then be out of water 9 days... So much for the cured live rock.... He says dont worry ill spray it down with water and everything will be ok.

Should i call and just cancel the other 80lbs of rock im missing?
Depends on the price you paid... I dunno. Most LR sits out of water for a while before it comes and is hit with hoses to nock off big stuff that might die. If you paid extra money for it to be cured LR then I would ask for your money back on at least the 80lbs.

My guess he only avoided the weekends because that is what people want to hear from a seller.
well i wanted cured.. and even the stuff i got i dont think was really cured because my ammonia right now is at 1ppm i dont know how high it normally gets during a cycle, my 55 gallon never had a cycle...

that must of been actual cured rock and with live sand that helped alot to
You mean it never had a detectable cycle. The cycles are always occurring. ;-)

I think you have to expect a certain amount of die of shipping any time of year. It may have been cured 100% in the original location, but isn't going to have 100% survival of everything being shipped. If you want true cured LR I would by locally and drive it home yourself.

I've started to do what I think a lot of the experts have begun to do is to use a majority of rock that has been cleaned of all life dead or alive and just seed it with a small amount of good quality cured LR.
I like the whole "what hitch hikers will i get" part of live rock... the packages i did get actualy had a nice size emerald crab as a hitchhiker.. but it didnt make it through shipping.

other then that the only LIFE iv seen is a little red worm... no coepods or anything yet... saw a couple dead ones though in the packaging
I could see that. My icon is a hitchhiker. I have always been jealous of people with large shipments of LR and tons of hitchhikers. BTW if you find any mantis shrimp or odd ball crabs and you don't want them, I'll take it them reefsafe or not. I love shrimp and crabs. Stinks that emerald didn't make it. Would have made a great inhabitant in your tank.
well i think i found either a dead mantis or dead pistol shrimp... definently one of the 2... i took a pic with my digital to post on here for identification just havent yet
Man that sucks. I think I'd cancel and reorder. I'm looking to do the same thing for my 29, if you wanted to PM a recommendation.

That sucks. I would fight it. You paid money and bought with him for cured LR. Can you get your credit card company to stop payment. Don't get ripped off. He did not package it well enough so the post office returned it to him. It is his fault and if he doesn't believe it is his fault he can take that up with the post office. Shouldn't be your loss.

what a jpke. the shipper gets paid for the damages goods, and you get to pay for the shipment, of goods, i work for ups and that's how it's done, so, complain bittery to the shipper and demand the reshipment of the goods including the shipping charge, what bs, the shipper makes money rreguardless
I don't know if I would demand reshipment. He may be likely to wash the rocks in fresh water and throw a couple mantis shrimp in for free and bundles of aptasia for free.
Almost like whining and complaining about the food at a restaurant on the side of a high way to a young waiter with a tattoo and expecting to get your re-order back with out spit.
Ya ill be happy with the store credit i guess... ill need to buy corals to fill this tank up anyway lol.. or i could always through another tunze 6100 on the tank lol..

last minute thing this morning we drove all the way down to dr macs and i bought 90lbs of some pretty nice live rock... dr. mac is pretty cool i didnt expect him to let me and my wife go digging through piles of rock our selves lol.
Nice, they always take good care of me down that way. I think I'm going to pick up some rock from them next week. (If I get my small tank emptied) Not to hijack your thread here Shnabbles, but has anyone local gotten rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater?
Oh, you mean the TBS PACKAGE? They have been selling that for a long time. it always looked like a good idea. but a pretty big lump up front sight unseen. when i was filling tanks with rock i bought locally. I custom picked pieces from all the local stores, TFP and THR and spread it out over a few months. a few here, a few there. Dr. Mac was still working out of his basement then and didnt have walk in shopping. good to hear you found some nice rock there snabbles.
ya its pretty sweet.. ill try and get pics of the whole set up here soon... my amonia also went from 1ppm to almost 0 over night ... so hopefully i can get my fishies in the big tank soon!