What's missing?


New member
What's missing? Working on a build/refurbish 65ga. Here is my list of wants/needs. As I build what am I missing? I'm starting with dry rock, but haven't started curing yet so I'm still looking at a fair amount of time before needing too much of this.

Tunze osmolator ATO
kalkasser for ATO (in future when corals are added)
60lbs dry rock (including rock from a previous tank) - leaning pukhani but undecided.
Live sand
reef crystals salt
Apex controller (with pH, Salinity and temp monitor)
20 gallon sump (might go 30 gallons, I just need to get and install baffles) + refugium space (I plan to use chaeto)
old LED box I currently use for refugium
dual filter sock for sump
GFO reactor
Carbon reactor (undecided on this)
water level monitor (haven't decided on brand yet)
Reef octopus 110 slim (already have from a previous build)
eshoppe single herbie overflow box (also currently have this)
T5 /LED hybrid lighing (brand undecided)
Return pump, heater, wave-makers and water-testing kits. Let the tank run/cycle for a good 4-6 weeks.

... then worry about all the other "fancy" stuff.
Return pump, heater, wave-makers and water-testing kits. Let the tank run/cycle for a good 4-6 weeks.

... then worry about all the other "fancy" stuff.

Thanks - I should have listed those initally

I have sicce 3.5 return pump
Red Sea and API test kits (but they probably need replaced)
and mid range heater - but it's a few year old so I probaly need to replace that too
2 two korlaia 850gph power heads