What's the difference between 2 7091 controllers and the 7094


10 & Over Club

I'm converting over to 6000's and wanted to do it one at a time. If I got a 6010 kit now and then added another one latter would I have the same flexability as a 7094 multicontroller or would it be better IYO to get the multicontroller now and one 6000?
The 7094 would only be available used maybe on Ebay or here, they are no longer made. I would get the 7095, you cannot coordinate two single controllers the same way, they only can pulse the pumps, by the time you buy two controllers and two photocells you are more than half way to the 7095. The pumps work without controllers so you can just slowly piece it together and their may be a long wait for the 7095 because we are already very far behind.
Thanks, I've been eyeing the new 7095 and it looks really nice. I quess that's the best route for me. I'll just get one 6000 now and wait on the 7095.
So if one were to invest in one 6000 to start, is the pump run at a constant on? Is there any way to controll pump w/ just what is comes with?
Bare bones (without a controller) you can set the percentage it pumps out at between 30% - 100% power.
However, it will be constant at that % unless you manually change it.
If you plan on getting two or more don't waste the money on a single controller, hold off for a multi.