Whats the difference between yuma and rics and what do they eat?

Ricordea is split up into two groups- Ricordea yuma and Ricordea floridia. floridia comes from the carribean and yumas come from the pacific. They look distinctly different from each other, someone will probably post pics. And yumas, on average, are much more expensive per polyp than floridias.

They are both mainly photosynthetic and need high light to thrive and grow. If they are in moderate to lower light they are likely to live but not grow or if they do it's really slow growth. You can feed them zooplankton and meaty foods, but lighting is much more important than feedings.
go to corallimorpharians and look at threads post insane ric pics,post pics of your pink yumas,true yellow rics lets see them there are all kinds of picsof rics and yuma together
It would be easier if ya just posted a pic of them two so I get a idea. And its hard to tell since I am no coral expert. Or give me a good explaination of which is which.
I've been wondering about the samething aswell. And some pics would be nice, having to flip through so many pages and not knowing whats a yuma/ floridia is really annoying.
What most people do to tell the difference between the Yuma and the Florida Ricordea is they look at the oral disc (mouth) of the coral.

If it is R. florida you will see the oral disc smooth and by itself
If it is R. Yuma you will see the oral disc covered in "pimples"

here is an R. florida

here is an R. Yuma