What's up with this trach


New member
This has always been the happiest coral in the tank. I noticed Monday it wasn't filling out all the way during the day (it usually puffs up the size of a football, no exaggeration) then tonight I come home and it looks almost like its melting. I have had this guy about 8 months if I had to guess. I'm trying to remember the purchase date. I'm running a full water test right now. As of last night
Alk 7.6
Calcium 420
Magnesium 1380
Salinity 1.026
Have you changed anything lately? Are there any corals around it? A picture may help as well if you can.
There's no picture, but if it looks like it's dying, obviously something is wrong and I would do a water change, immediately run/replace carbon and/or polyfilter. When's the last time you replaced your ro/di filters? Have you done anything new to the tank? Also, do you have any potentially not "reef safe" fish that may have gone rouge?
Sorry I thought I attached the picture but didn't.

And here is what it normally looks like
Nothing has changed. Last week one of the t5 bulbs went out(only a month old) and the white channel on the LEDs went out but I got those back up and running. Not really any non reef safe fish, most of the fish don't seem to show any interest in this coral or the others. Filter socks get changed every other day. The only thing I'm over due on is changing the gfo which I was supposed to do on the 1st. I'll be doing a water change and changing the gfo tomorrow since it's my early day at work. RO/DI filters were replaced late December and am still reading 0 TDS output
Hmm, well it doesn't look like it's losing tissue, just deflated and not happy. Perhaps something got in the tank from your hand or something. I would give it some time before doing anything drastic. I've had corals get really ****ed and close up for a couple weeks, which I thought for sure they were dying and then one day just open up like nothing happened. Odd. I would probably go ahead and throw some polyfilter in between a baffle just as a precaution. That coral is worth a lot more than a $10 filter.
When you say "not really any not reef safe fish" maybe a list would help. I say this b/c I've had fish do that to my welsos without me even noticing. I've even had a sailfin tang do it. To be sure, I got a large Tupperware, poked holes in it and then covered the coral. Waited a day and when it swelled back up I knew I had a culprit fish. Recently, I figured out my Lamarck's angel was doing it my two wellsos and I can't say I ever saw hip nip them. Took him out and within a couple of hours, right as rain.

When you say "not really any not reef safe fish" maybe a list would help. I say this b/c I've had fish do that to my welsos without me even noticing. I've even had a sailfin tang do it. To be sure, I got a large Tupperware, poked holes in it and then covered the coral. Waited a day and when it swelled back up I knew I had a culprit fish. Recently, I figured out my Lamarck's angel was doing it my two wellsos and I can't say I ever saw hip nip them. Took him out and within a couple of hours, right as rain.

Stock list is
1 orange shoulder tang
1 yellow tang
1 gold spot rabbit fish
1 fire fish
1 bangei cardinal
1 yashi goby
2 dispar anthias
2 platinum clowns
1 pink belly wrasse
The only reason I say "not really" on the reef safe is that I'm still trying to figure out if the wrasse has developed a taste for my hermits or not.
+1 on the fish nipping.
I have welsos. And out if the clear blue. My foxface started nipping them after 8 months .they pulled in just like yours , i pulled the fox out...and they took 1 day to swell back up.
Hmm I guess I'll have to try the Tupper ware thing. I have a webcam set up and usually stare at the tank while am at work. The orange shoulder and rabbit fish never leave each others side they've both been near the trach but I've only ever seen them picking at the sand
Is that a pic of what you believe to be an "unhappy" Wellso? Looks like it is hungry to me. I had Blue tang go rogue on me and pick at a wellso, the tissue was retracted totally. Ive also seen my Yellow tang pick at my elegance though the elegance doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Yours has its feeders out which it wouldn't do if it was feeling vulnerable or in danger. Try feeding it.
Is that a pic of what you believe to be an "unhappy" Wellso? Looks like it is hungry to me. I had Blue tang go rogue on me and pick at a wellso, the tissue was retracted totally. Ive also seen my Yellow tang pick at my elegance though the elegance doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Yours has its feeders out which it wouldn't do if it was feeling vulnerable or in danger. Try feeding it.
I'm assuming you only saw the second picture when it's in its happy stage and trying to eat everything in site
Oh yea I see now, sorry, didn't wait for it to load. Mine does look like that on occasion but never for more than a day or so.
Oh yea I see now, sorry, didn't wait for it to load. Mine does look like that on occasion but never for more than a day or so.
This is only day two so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, last night after the lights were out it was looking more normal
You might want to watch out for the Rabbit fish. Here is what i found about that fish.


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