Whats wrong with my mushrooms? Folded outwards.


New member
Hi everyone! :) This is my first post in RC.

I've always wanted to create a mushroom tank, but I'm having problems with some of my mushrooms. They don't seem to expand at all, and I've noticed that some of my mushrooms are folded outwards.

Why do they do this? Its been a few months now but everything seems fine. Why do they fold instead of expanding bigger? Is this a reason due to too much light?

My tank specs are as follows.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!



Tank Specs

Tank Size: 2x1.2x1ft (Standard 2ft tank with IOS)
Sump: N/A
Equipment: Seio M820, DIY 12V PC Fan
Lighting: 2x36wPL (1 blue bulb & 1 blue/white bulb, on for 10 hrs a day)
Filtration: Algae scrubber

Water Parameters

Temp: 26-28'C
NH4: 0
N02: N/A
N03: 3mg/l
P04: N/A
PH: 8.0 <---- do I need to raise this to 8.3?
Salinity: 1.024

2x chromis
1x false percula clown
1x yellow clown goby
1x bicolour blenny
2x fire goby
1x turbo snail
1x strawberry crab

? x mushrooms
2 x hammer
1x frogspawn
1x green star polyps
1x zoo

Additional info
Tank loses 1.5L water a day. Topped up with tapwater + water conditioner and placed on drip
Barebottom tank
Using coralife salt (Recently changed to Tropic Marine)
Tank running since 1 Jan 2009
if you have alot of water flow they will do this. they will also expand like this sometimes in low lighting. what is the gallons of that tank as well as its depth?
Tap Water

Tap Water

Water conditioners will remove chlorine or chloramine and it will also neutralize some metals which may be harmful to your fish

It DOESN'T remove nitrate or phosphate which is also present in many water supplies (and some providers add the phosphate to help prevent pipe corrosion). Since both nitrate and phosphate are plant (and algae) fertilizers, this can make a huge difference in maintaining your tank. By controlling the nitrate and phosphate, you reduce the possibilty of cyanobacteria, diatoms, and other "nuisance" algaes.