What's Your alkalinity for your Purple Monster?


Premium Member
Here's my purple monster & was wondering what some of your levels of alkalinity are? Mine is 7.5 and heard that PM's do better in high alkalinity? Let me know.
Ben (Rxx2) is that you? It's Meng from Sacramento! I got a job offer and moved to MN. If it is you this is your frag I purchased from you. It's awesome. How's the mother colony doing?
Hello Meng,
I thought that was you but wasn't sure about your location.
Glad to see your frag is doing well. It looks really nice. Looks like it has grown a fair amont for you. My tank took a turn for the worst and I took it down. I fragged the mother colony and have sent a few frags around to other folks. Keep up the good work.

I can't believe that. I remember you telling me about how you survived that copper poisoning and now this. What happened? I hope most of your stuff made it. If not, I can frag you a piece of the monster you gave me free of charge. I also got a piece of Tyree's Watermellon Echino that I can give you as well, it just needs a few months to grow out. I also obtained the Becker & Bennet Tort as well so just let me know what I can do. I knew it was odd that your current tank said only 50 gallons.
i wouldnt think you'd adjust your levels for just 1 coral. levels should be maintained for the whole tank.