What's your reef temperature

I aim for 80 deg F.

This article may be useful:

Reef Aquarium Water Parameters (a summary general article)

from it:


Temperature impacts reef aquarium inhabitants in a variety of ways. First and foremost, the animals' metabolic rates rise as temperature rises. They may consequently use more oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, calcium and alkalinity at higher temperatures. This higher metabolic rate can also increase both their growth rate and waste production at higher temperatures.

Another important impact of temperature is on the chemical aspects of the aquarium. The solubility of dissolved gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, for example, changes with temperature. Oxygen, in particular, can be a concern because it is less soluble at higher temperature.

So what does this imply for aquarists?

In most instances, trying to match the natural environment in a reef aquarium is a worthy goal. Temperature may, however, be a parameter that requires accounting for the practical considerations of a small closed system. Looking to the ocean as a guide for setting temperatures in reef aquaria may present complications, because corals grow in such a wide range of temperatures. Nevertheless, Ron Shimek has shown in a previous article that the greatest variety of corals are found in water whose average temperature is about 83-86Ã"šÃ‚° F.

Reef aquaria do, however, have limitations that may make their optimal temperature somewhat lower. During normal functioning of a reef aquarium, the oxygen level and the metabolic rate of the aquarium inhabitants are not often important issues. During a crisis such as a power failure, however, the dissolved oxygen can be rapidly used up. Lower temperatures not only allow a higher oxygen level before an emergency, but will also slow the consumption of that oxygen by slowing the metabolism of the aquarium's inhabitants. The production of ammonia as organisms begin to die may also be slower at lower temperatures. For reasons such as this, one may choose to strike a practical balance between temperatures that are too high (even if corals normally thrive in the ocean at those temperatures), and those that are too low. Although average reef temperatures in maximal diversity areas (i.e. coral triangle centered Indonesia,) these areas are also often subject to significant mixing. In fact, the cooler reefs, ( i..e. open Pacific reefs) are often more stable at lower temperatures due to oceanic exchange but are less tolerant to bleaching and other temperature related perturbations.

All things considered, those natural guidelines leave a fairly wide range of acceptable temperatures. I keep my aquarium at about 80-81Ã"šÃ‚° F year-round. I am actually more inclined to keep the aquarium cooler in the summer, when a power failure would most likely warm the aquarium, and higher in winter, when a power failure would most likely cool it.

All things considered, I recommend temperatures in the range of 76-83Ã"šÃ‚° F unless there is a very clear reason to keep it outside that range.
Julian Sprung mentions in Vol 1 of his books that protein skimming is at its best between 70-80 degrees. Plus there's the dissolved oxygen issue that Randy mentioned above. I use a chiller to keep my tank between 76-78 degrees year round.
I personally think thats a great temp, seen more coral growth in that rang. Then again, thats just for my tank.
my temp swings from ~75 at night to ~79 during the day. Is that ok??/
I have 2 big heaters in the sump should i get more?
my heater is set to 79 degrees... so during the time when my house is colder then 79, it stays at 79.

during the summer.... well i dont remember, and we'll find out soon enough i suppose
80-81 in winter, 82-83 in summer. i have no problems w/ this. i would like to keep it always 80 but i'm not going for a chiller. i'm cutting back on my MH photoperiod, so in summer especially, this will help.
I shoot for 80 as well.

Without expensive equipment it seems that there is always some variation. If I forget to leave the space heater on when my husband is on an energy savings - turn down the thermostat kick on a cold night, it will drop to 78. If I forget to pull the canopy out a bit, the fans aren't as effective and it might climb to close to 82. By shooting for 80, I feel like I'm giving myself some lee way and not getting dangerous either way.

Ideally, the less fluctiation the better.
This is an interesting topic. Went to the Virginia state aquarium in Virginia Beach a few weeks ago and they have a "Techno-Reef" (a sample of a reef like we have at home). It is basically a demo for people visiting the aquarium to see how the halides, skimmer, sump and the cool Carlson Surge Machine work together.

Anyway, it was interesting to me that they keep the temp at a constant 74, and have a chiller to maintain this temp. To be honest, this tank was AWESOME, much nicer than any home reef tanks I have seeniin person and online, and I have seen some nice ones.

I have dropped my temp a little from the 80-82 I had it at to about 76-78.
I used to keep my tanks up near 80-81. Not any more. I keep my tanks at 77 now. I'm tempted to lower another degree to 76.
