when can i add cleanup crew?


New member
Hey guys
I'm just wondering when can i add a few snails, hermits and maybe a couple shrimp into my aquarium

I think i've read somewhere that the tank doesnt have to be fully cycled before adding inverts, my tank is cycling now and I think its in the 2nd stage...im pretty sure its not ready yet but how much longer do u think i need to wait?

my water parameters now are

0 ammonia
40 nitrites
80 nitrates
0.5 PO4
8.1-8.2 pH
1.025 salinity
380 Ca


Id wait.
Wait until you see Nitrites at zero and nitrates begin to fall. Thats what I did. Remember to have patience...nothing good happens fast in a reef.
id say no... wait until you have no nitrites and diminishing nitrates. Inverts do not do good with high nitrates, so it would be best to wait

edit: 2 minutes too late