When do you know for sure they're dead?


New member
I "mail-ordered" some zoas (won't say from who until I deal with them first IF they do die) from three different sources. These were my first zoas so I have no experience with them (although I have kept a mixed reef a few times before in the past). Two of the shipment bags arrived at 52 degrees, one at 66 degrees. Two of the three packages were well-packed and insulated, all had heat packs included. One of them had the heat pack but only a wrap of newspaper around the bags and was shipped in a USPS Priority "cassette" type box. I acclimated all of them properly and they've all been in my tank for several days now. They all still have some color to the tissue and aren't completely white/clear/melted but some are shedding a little bit of tissue. None of them have opened up yet. How long does it take to know if they're dead or if they're going to make it?

Before you ask, my water parameters are all "good" (typical good numbers-no problems there). Today I bought a small zoa rock and a small GSP colony and they all opened up within a few hours.
I got some that were in a bucket for over a week with no air or light. White as hell, took days to open, But they're all opened up now and getting their color back.

The obvious question here is light acclimation. How did you acclimate the ones that aren't doing well? And, are the new ones (that are already open) fresh from a LFS or did they also arrive in the mail after a day or so in a bag? That can make a huge difference.

You should start them off in the bottom of your tank. If they've been locked up for days maybe put them in the shade a bit. Then every few days slowly move them into more light. Repeat until they are in a spot they seem comfortable. You can also put "shades" between them and the light and remove a shade every few days (eggcrate works well).

I'd just keep acclimating them and give them at least a couple weeks to perk up.
I have then in a breeder box hanging in my tank to keep them safe while they're vulnerable. I have a piece of black sheet plastic about 12x12" on top of the tank shading them from any direct light.
Yes, the others came from a LFS; should've mentioned that.