When is it appropriate to dip zoas?


Active member
I have some zoas (some new and some that I've had for years) that are shrunken/faded/not opening. I have some lugols solution, revive coral dip, hydrogen peroxide, furan 2, and obviously freshwater available for dipping. Are any of these suitable for preventive dipping? Preventive meaning I don't know what's specifically wrong, it might have nothing to do with what the dip is meant to do.
I think if they were at one time flourishing, you should look for a change in your tank before you blame the zoas. What are your water peramiters?
Since you added new zoas you could have introduced a whole bunch of stuff if you did not dip them. As the above poster stated if there have been changes in water params that could be the culprit, but if you added a zoa predator with the new zoas that would be the culprit. I would do a revive dip or freshwater to see if anything gets knocked off. Furan II, lugols and hydrogen peroxide are all targeted to specific ailments, revive and freshwater dips are probably the best preventative dips.
^thanks, that's what i was looking for. I just transferred everything to a new tank so water parameters arent perfect. I just wanted to do some dips just in case. I'll do some revive and then FW maybe a week later if it doesn't improve.
I do a Lugols dip on my zoas once in a while when I'm doing cleaning and water changes (just use the water I'm taking out to make the dip). They seem to really like it. They are brighter and more colorful when I put them back in and seem to open wider afterwards too. And it's not a lot of extra effort.
Any type of dip could be more detrimental than helpful in your case.
Try to make sure the chemistry/filtration/algae are getting back to normal and go from there.
Unless you can see any kind of predator or if the zoas are showing some evidence of melting or anything like that.

Keep an eye on them and let the time help you out.
