Where are my pods?


New member
Hello all.

I have many tanks and have been in the hobby for 2+years. I have a nano reef at my office. Its a 8" cylinder 12" tall (about 2.6 gal). In this tank I see hundreds of pod on the glass and on the rocks and sand. But in both of my larger home tanks can I find 1 pod. they are both healthy tanks and have been running ofr 2 years.

One is a 29 gallon eclipse, that has been a great tank. Not much maintanace at all. And the other tank is a 40gal with 4x 96w 2x actinic and 2x daylight, sump for a 75gal.
For flow I have the sump output which is not veryhard, and then one powerhead.

The only thing I can think of is that there is too much flow or something so they cannot propagate. But the sane doesnt even move from the flow so I highly doubt that.

What do you guys think?
how much livestock is in the big tanks compared to the smaller one. its posible that the fish are eating them as fast as the multiply.

you can take a small peice of LR from the tank that has alot, and place in another tank for a few days to transfer some new pods there. you may want to dose some Photoplankton of some sort as well to feed them.
They have more hiding spaces in the bigger tanks. Take a flashlight and look in the tank after the lights are out for a little bit. You will see all kinds of stuff you never knew you had.
I will try the flashlight, but I have lloked day and night and not seen any. But at work they are there all day lon. In a bright office...
One day I had been upstairs watching TV for a while (I have also had tanks for 2+ years) and remembered I wanted to look for pods. So I came downstairs after the tank and the tank room had been pitch black for about 2 hours and looked and I saw hundreds!
Could it possibly be that I have this table that I built that has a light in it that shines up through a mosaic of colored glass beads. So that room always has some light.

Is that it?