Where can I buy a large tank?


New member
I am building a new house and putting in an in-wall tank that can be seen from both sides. I want a tank that is 84" long by 24" wide and 30" high. Can anyone recommend a quality tank manufacturer and also your opinion as to whether I should go with acrylic or glass?


What do you plan on keeping in the tank? IMO I would go 30" wide and 24" tall because it gives you more possibilities for larger fish like tangs, etc...
+1 on the above recommendations for size...

I prefer A.G.E. (Acrylic & Glass Exhibits, Garland, TX), but as an AGE owner, I am definitely prejudiced. You order these tanks through your LFS, but if you're in a big hurry, better look elsewhere, as there will be a waiting period...

Unfortunately I cannot do 30" in width as the opening in the wall is already framed. As to what I plan on putting in the tank, I'm not exactly sure at this point. Nothing huge or agressive. I just want a mello tank of fish and corals.

I was looking online last night and found a guy that has a company called Tank's Acrylic. Prices seem good. Anyone have any expereince with them?

Also would like to know more about their thoughts on glass v. acrylic.

Thanks and I will hopefull begin a build thread soon!

This is going to depend a lot on where you are as these tanks obviosly take up a lot of room and glass/acrylic gets heavy so shipping will be expensive. I would also go with a local vendor because moving something so big/heavy/fragile is not easy and they know what they are doing.
i would go with a 84 x 30 x 30 thats wat i have now and im already thinkin its too small =)

Discuss- How do you have your overflow set up? Those are the dimensions I am considering..that or 72L x 36D x 30T. I am doing an in-wall tank that will be visible from the front and the right side. I want to have more swimming room for some larger fish that is why I am considering going a little longer as opposed to wider.
I would second AGE. I have a hybrid of theirs, as far as I know, the only one.
Its all acrylic except for the front pane which is starfire.
