Where can I buy pickeling lime in bulk?


Active member
Just started dosing my tank with kalkwasser and thought p/lime would be cheaper. I already have a calc reactor and wanted to use this to help with the PH etc...Where can I buy p/lime in bulk? Also how much would I use to mix with water for aquarium use?
Bought some in bulk directly from Mrs Wages. Food Lion price turned out to be pretty close so I will buy from grocery store in future. I use 1 heaping tbsp for 5 gallon batch.
If you can find it, Mississippi Food grade Calcium Hydroxide is about the best deal you can get. I work for a very large soft drink Co. we use this product in our water plant and I've been using it for years in my Kalk reactors. It works just as well as the stuff you would buy at your LFS.

I've been planning on buying a pallet for about two months now. We're just so slow at work we haven't placed an order in a long time. The cost will be 40.00 for a 50 pound bag. If you know anybody here in So Cal you might ask them to ship you some when\if I get it.