Found it... Petworld had it, but it was $25. Asked him, he checked, said yep, the price is right. Was doing the rounds of the stores anyway, so checked exotic on oakland park, they were able to make me part with some of my money. I got a great frag of utter chaos, $20 for 5 polyps, a $10 frag of a HUGE red paly, very bright red, never saw this one before. They had a $15 frag with 2 polyps, better deal, but this one polyp was gigantic!. Also got 2 amazing mushrooms, look like bullseyes with bubbles... and found my flatworm solution for $21. While I was there, found an algae blenny I just had to have... Littlest one I've ever seen!
Final tally, flatworm exit, huge red paly, 5 polyps of utter chaos, 2 bullseye shrooms, a small live rock, and an algae blenny for $92. Feel like I got a great deal as always!
Finally, they have an amazing rhodactis mushroom, gotta see all the colors this thing has. Check their facebook page if you wanna see it.