Where did everyone go?


New member
I am guessing that the "regulars" left RC due to the closing of threads. Anyone from Ft. Myers still on RC?
I'd rather post things on my fridge after whats been going on with this particular forum getting made an example of since all 4 of us locals post here.

I'll browse the site from time to time but i'm not going to support a dictatorship.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9687542#post9687542 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
I'd rather post things on my fridge after whats been going on with this particular forum getting made an example of since all 4 of us locals post here.

I'll browse the site from time to time but i'm not going to support a dictatorship.


A dictatorship would never have allowed this forum or this bulletin board to even exist. We have simple rules here that have existed far longer than you've been a member here. Those very rules are what have made Reef Central the success that it is.

If we don't fit your "model" of a bulletin board, perhaps it is best you find another place to get your information because I and the rest of the volunteers that run this board will not tolerate being insulted.