Where do you dump your water?


Premium Member
When you do water changes, where do you dispose of that dirty water? I was thinking if down the sink then it goes through our sewer system and cleaned out. If down the street than it goes to our ocean (well at least for us Hawaii). Highly doubtful but let's say you import LR or coral from somewhere else and it has some sort of disease or organism, and then you do a water change and pour it down the drain in the street. What happens if it doesn't dry up and it reaches the ocean?

What about our test kits? All the chemicals with so many warnings on it?

Imagine with how many fish enthusiast out there in the world pouring these things down the drains. Just wondering as I'm bored.
My used water (fresh and saltwater tanks) drains down into a 2 x 55gal drum. We have a pump hooked upto it so that my wife can use it to water her flowers. With the fish poo in there it makes them look very good.
I only ever put my water through the sewage system. That way you know it has at least some treatment before reaching the sea.
Down the drain. It is not a good idea to dump salt water outside. Salt really ruins soil quailty- over time. Ever heard of that ancient war tactic? Soldiers would salt the fields of their opponents to prevent crops from flourishing. It's the same thing on a small scale. IMO its got to go down the drain for this reason, let alone reasons like invasive introduction! Dumping water that houses foreign organisms near a water source is not a good idea- I think you are right on in this thought.
I'm sure your thinking of your home! Poor Hawaii has been taken over by non-native critters and plants- I think your concerns are just.

I'm curious to hear what others do with their excess chemicals too.....
Well I do 10 % water change a week, with about 50 gals of freshwater and 2-3 gals of saltwater it gets socked up by all the plants and the love it. Maybe the salt get deluded in such small amounts like this.
What if you have a septic system? Would salt water destroy or have a negative effect on the system itself?
for those with septic if you make a small drain field of plastic and blocks on top of the grass where the water doesn't get to be more than an inch. It evaporates and leaves the salt behind. Then you put the salt in the trash.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9996948#post9996948 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drummereef
I dump my dirty water in the toilet.

Ditto !

Down the toilet it goes :p
I have a 130g system so putting water down to the septic tank is not an option, evaporation field is not possible so I just poor the saltwater into my jard where nothing grows anyways