Where good places to get tank raised clams?


In Memoriam
Where are some good place to get tank raised clams?
I know of some places but wonder whre every one gets thiers at.
You may want to message Jim at Tank U . I'm not sure if he gets his from a clam farm where they raise them close to sea or what but they look awesome.

Mine have all attached that I have purchased from him.:D
Jim are you going to up date the web site with pics of the clams to buy. Its last show Nov 7 and waiting for clams.
The two on the lower left are the ones I am getting next.

I am pretty sure he will have to order another shipment of clams since I bought the last two. I will be picking them up soon from him and will post a better picture once I have them in my tank.
Jim, just to let you know I sent an email to you through your website a few weeks ago inquiring prices and availability but never heard anything.
On the website, we are moving things around, and updates haven't happened in a little while.
We are working on getting a large number of pictures of some great looking clams up soon.
And the email issue is wierd. But I will fix that one soon. Most likely Jim never got the email. We had quite a few of them go missing if you sent it to the email address on the site.
I will be fixing this ASAP.

Sorry for any problems caused by this.

Ps, I am the one who created the site, so these are issues that I have to fix soon.
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Email adresses posted on the site have changed. And they are now working.
Pictures still to come though. Soon enough though for people who can't wait.