Where is the open exchange of information on NCPARS forum?


New member
I didn't know that the NCPARS forum on RC is just a subcatagory for a location to the for sale forum. It is becoming really irritating that sharing information, ideas, and experiences get shoved down the page due to the abundance of for sale threads.

Some of which are not following the "for sale rules" set by RC. The selling rules apply to this forum as well. I am not saying don't sell stuff in this forum, but there is a suggestion made by RC in the rules section for posting when you don't want to ship in the selling section. List your location. Most of us looking for items to buy will do a search with "PA" as a part of the search.

I have been lurking around the forum for weeks watching what people have been sharing or selling. I hope that those who have been turned away from posting experiences and information because of the selling that is going on will return and share again.

SHARE everyone, we need to keep sharing and exchanging ideas and things that work so that this information can help change things or help others with their systems.

Have a great day.

Keep on Reefing!
I agree,

Although ive done my fair share of selling i would like to get to see peoples tank that live around here, kind of putting a face to the tank thing together..Id also like to trade some frags with people but i cant make any trades without seeing some pictures..Sometimes when people d post pics theres 72 views but no replies, that could be discouraging to posters as well.
I would say all threads in all forums have many more views than posts. Just the nature of the forums. With selling or trading, most are like you and would like pictures and also there are a lot of us who are picky and want something that fits our taste or we already have what someone is posting.

You can't tell me that across RC everyone is "getting out of the hobby" or the forum would have shut down. I think people are coining this term to just sell. I'd be wary of some of those posts as they may be commercial in nature.
Just a heads up for everyone... To those who don't follow the rules... We are looking for you and weeding you out for the rest of us who want to contribute to the community.

Our society has worked hard to get recognition and build this forum and the society to where it is. We take offense to those who are taking advantage of that.

To the rest of us who have put in hard work, effort, and give way more than they take... Great job and continue to do so, we appreciate it!!!
feel free to start a thread about YOUR tank. I added some pics to somebody's thread who tried to start one a week ago and it died after that. Pictures give people stuff to talk about.....
Part of the problem is everything been talked to death on this board. All you have to do is search any topic you can think of and get 100 threads.
rickyfins - i applaud the post. Unfortunately the trend is similar on the njrc forum at RC.

In fact the spammers/sellers sometimes will post the exact same FS thread in multiple NE club boards.

Meanwhile most of our club members post on the other forum. Some of us continue to monitor RC to help direct new people or visitors (e.g. someone from FL coming up asking about LFS to go to).

Anyways good luck. If you have more info threads here - i'll be sure to check in.
Some could say the opposite. You want to talk about certain topic or issue, there are plenty of sub forums in RC where you can go find information, post or just do a search and find what you need with input from the whole WORLD. I believe local sales belong more in this area than anything else (of course, following rules is a must). Meetings, off topic for local things, etc are other good topics. IMO I find you argument a little unsustainable, but hey this is a public forum and everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
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