where to get medical grade CO2?

There's a place off of Brookhurst and the 405 called Seals that fills tanks. Number is 949-646-2435. I used to get my NO2 tank filled back when i had nitrous in my old car. Good guys to deal with.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6874589#post6874589 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by golfish
Guys the med grade is the same as the food and welding grade. We use 25,000 - 50,000 pounds of this stuff at work each day, I know a little about it.

I also get my tank filled at the Airgas in RC..I think I pay about 8.50 for my 10 pounder.

what the, why the heck am i getting charged so much for a 5lb'r ? :mad: