where to get them



What did you get exactly, trudismith?

Their site is confusing to me, and I have a MS in GUI design.

I like what they do, and want to order from them.
I got several reds and 2 greens. Mary couldn't identify them precisely and has posted a query here at RC for IDs. One of the reds is a large flat that she calls a ribbon. It reminds me of red oak-leaf lettuce. A second red, "dreadlocks," has upright branches studded with little "bubbles" and is very beautiful. The third red is a bush with rather stiff branches. I haven't noticed any of my crabs munching it so I imagine it is pretty tough. I ordered a green "grass" and there are many tuffts growing on a 3-4" piece of rock. She also included a tiny tuft of a very succulent green grass-like macro ("mop plant"). A tang would demolish it in about 5 minutes!
See her macro pictures at http://www.seacrop.com/pictures.htm
or you can contact Mary Middlebrook at info@seacrop.com
So far the macros are doing pretty well but I have had to deliver about 10 hermits from temptation! Good luck!