Where to obtain Low Iron glass?

Ok I enter this forum with head bowed asking for your advice and guidance :)

I am building a 400gallon Plywood bodied tank with glass front... 96"X30"X32" I was going to purchase Starphire glass for the front but found that it is only manufactured up to 1/2" thick.. per my calculations for the glass in the front of this tank I need it to be at least 16mm thick (about 5/8") I have found other Low Iron companies with a similar take... Optiwhite, Daimanta, Ultrawhite ect. What do you have in your large tanks? should I just fall back on regular glass? special treatments ect? anything I need to know or that you could offer would be appreciated.
Did you try the local glass places in the phone book? Every glass shop will order it in Canada. :)

Or try your lfs, they usually make tanks and might be willing to sell you it for a hefty price tag..
Im not sure how truthfull it is but, tempered glass is a lot stronger than regular.

Maybee see if you can get that glass tempered in that thickness, i think that would be sufficeint.

Tempered is refered to as safe glass. If it breaks, its just like the car window, rather than crack it shatters.