where to put a 75 gal reef tank (brand new home)


New member
i was wondering what kind of foundation to you guys have your tanks on.. do you have it on a carpet floor, tile, wood. what do you all recommend? thanks
All of those would work for your tank. Tile is good due to any minor water spills or splashs that will occur. carpet probley next best and wood being last option. Only reason being about spills. As far as wieght and such no problem for any of them. If its tile flooring make sure its level and it sits solid. Some tiles (like a spanish sytle i think) are made to be un even. Unlike say a granite tile or such that will be perfectly smooth.
You can put a tank on just about any kind of flooring.....just make sure that the floor itself (and the bracing under it) can support the weight of the tank, water, rock, stand, sand, and equipment. I've read about a couple cases where tanks went through the floor.
Yeah im moving into a trailer soon... Hate to do it but heyt its my first house that I payed for lol. How can I brace the floor of a trailer to hold say around a 200 gallon setup?
i have never read that. It can cause saging of floors after some time. This cause moldings and doors to not fit right but never heard of a whole in the floor with the tank falling threw. This is a 75 we are talking about also. I think most if not all people on here will tell you its safe to put a 75 on a 2nd story in a new house. A solid floor on ground level would be better but you have nothing to worry about on a 2nd story.
The best place for your tank is where you will see it and enjoy it the most.

That said ... saltwater is really damaging and if you think you'll never spill, you're dreaming. If you've got a stand that is open or on legs so you can get to your spills, that's one thing. But if you're like me and have a wood cabinet stand, water spills can run under the cabinet and you can't do much about it.

Saltwater has really wrecked my hardwood floor. I wish I had put some kind of plastic or vinyl liner under the stand before I set it up.