Which brand HQI bulb for a AM Pendant?


Team RC

because my Aqua Connect 14 000 K (250 Watt) bulb have to be replaced I'm searching for a bulb that gives good growth (PAR) and coloring for my SPS.

Pendant (ballast) is a Aqua Medic "Aquaspacelight"
For supplemental light I have 4 T5 bulbs. 2 Giesseman 15 000 K and 2 Giesseman Actinic.

Please post your opinion about what bulb I have to get.

Thanks, Leonardo
i have the Aqua Medic 250w over my reef with the phoenix 14k bulb. i love it. give it a shot.
I just checked, the Phoenix bulbs are not available here in Europe... Too bad :(

The bulbs that I can get are:

Aqua Connect

Any suggestions?

- Leonardo
I understand that a Phoenix bulb is the same as a n Aqua Connect :)

That's the one I have right now, and will continue to use. But I will look into the BLV wfgworks.

Thank for all the comments!
