Which camera to buy?

Tim Plow

New member

I am looking for a nice camera to serve two major purposes:

1. I want a camera that will take good shots of my tank. I would like to get a camera where I will be able to get good quality close up pics.

2. I am going to Hawaii and want to get a camera that I can take snorkelling with me. I have always just bought the cheap disposable cameras and the pics always turn out really bad.

So in summary, I guess I want a good waterproof camera (hopefully something under $500). I would really appreciate any suggestions and comments. If anyone has any used ones they are wanting to get rid of, please let me know. Thanks
Do a web search for Nikos, thats Nikons underwater 35mm. You can get lenses/flashes etc.

There are a couple other brands as well, but not really what you want unless you do underwater photography a lot.

What some people will do is buy an underwater housing for their camera. Once you decide on a camera, simply search for underwater housings too see if one is available for it.

Most 35mm and P&S camera's have an underwater housing made by someone that can be used.
Tim, what is your budget for this P&S camera? Do you want a digital SLR or just any SLR.

I have the canon s80 and a underwater casing. Which I used in Aruba. The photo came out to be nice.

for the close up shots, do you mean you want macro shots or just want a big zoom that brings objects closer to you?

Canon has a few new camera body out like the 40D and you can get the 20D or 30D alot cheaper these days. But good lense can still run in the 100+'s and 1000+'s.

Good luck