Should google "bayer coral dip". I use bayer for all my corals. If you want you can spend the money on Coral Rx but I personally have had great results with Bayer
I second the Bayer dip. That large bottle will last a long time. I picked up a bottle for $12. You must make sure to get the correct bottle as its the only one so far that is safe for corals. Follow that link posted above and it should work out great for you. It has for me.
The experienced reefers in my club swear by Bayer Complete. It isn't made for corals, BTW; I found it in WalMart in the gardening section. It is an insecticide. My experience is limited but so far, so good.
in the link above the recommend to remove the frag from the stone base- the plug:
" If your coral is attached to a rock, we highly recommend removing the coral from the base rock. The pores of the rock will soak up the Bayer and could cause issues when you put the coral into your display tank. "
So you guys dont remove the plug prior to dipping?
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