Which is better, overflow boxes in middle or end of tank?


Reef bully
I have a chance to get this custom done, and I wanted to find out if it is better to have the overflow box in the middle of the back of the tank, or the traditional corner overflow.
The tank will be a 170 gallon with dimensions of 60 x 23 x 30. It will be sps dominated.
Thanks so much for your input.
Corner boxes alow you to see the box and get fish easer if they get cought in the box, but they also block some of the view from the end of the tank.

If it were me, I would go for the centre box.

Does having the box in the center allow for better flow and skimming the top? Or would it be comparable no matter where you put it? For some reason, I thought I read on here somewhere that corner boxes are better. But I can't remember if it was preference or there was a technical reason.

I agree with you, I would prefer the center to allow viewing. But I want to make sure I'm not sacrificing efficiency (?) for it.
if the corners are better than a center, its most likely due to the fact that theres two, allowing redundancy in case one gets clogged.

most will only use one when putting it in the center.
Well, if there is no effect whether I put the overflow in the center vs. corner, I was going to go for center to make aquascaping and viewing easier.

My plan is to put Oceans Motions in there as well. I also asked for extra holes to be drilled on the bottom so I can minimize dead spots. In this case, center would be better suited for that?
I forgot to add that if anyone feels like there would be a better position for the overflow for what I would like to do, please add what it is and why. Since I am able to ask for it to be made any way (provided their engineer says ok) then I want to do the right thing to keep my corals/fish in the best condition I can.
Center or Corner?

Center or Corner?

Dont be too hastyu!

I have both , obviouslly in 2 separate tanks. I have 155 bow with the 2 center mounted overflows and I CURSE the design. Especially if your covering with a grate for fish or a canopy, you have NO CLUE as to what is happening, Algae, snails cleaning and removing the overflow is very difficult standing up and overhanging the tank, With the side mounted overflows, I can SEE the water height easily and see if anything is "growing" in the overflows as well if any live animals made it over. I can pull outthe overflows clean them and the SEE to install them easily.
Just my opinion ...........hope it helps

Bill, you make a good point about being able to see what is going on and if they are getting clogged up. Since it's going up against a wall, gaining access to the center would entail the canopy coming off, or a very skinny person to get behind there.
How are you currently dealing with your center boxes?


You hit the nail on the head. I am just "dealing" with them. On some occassions I notice the tank display looks a little higher and the sump is a little abnormally low. So now I know, Algae and other crud in the overflows.
I have access on both sides and use a step stool to get up and look in and scrub the algae and crud. If I remove the overflow standpipes, I swear a lot when I try to get them plugged back into the bulheads that are now 28 inches down into a black hole called an overflow.

That it....good luck....I would opt for corner overflows if it were my choice.

Good Luck...............choose wisely!

What about having external built in overflows? It will stick out a few more inches, but I would think most people wouldn't want their tank flush against a wall anyhow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7844061#post7844061 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JeffCA
What about having external built in overflows? It will stick out a few more inches, but I would think most people wouldn't want their tank flush against a wall anyhow.

That's what I'm going to do to my next tank. Right now I have a 2 sided middle overflow. There is no way to ever get my hand in there and if my stockman comes undone it's going to be a biatch to get it seated again. Built in overflow on a 30gal is tiny.
Thanks for your input everyone. I definitely needed to just take a step back and not get too excited about a new tank.
I will get two overflows, in each corner in case one gets clogged I still have the other. Although I guess that won't help any if they both have algae on them. Good catch about noticing the water higher up in your tank Bill. You would have probably had a nice little flood there if you didn't notice it. Someone should start making big square cleaning brushes for overflows like those we use to clean out test tubes!
About external overflows, I have one now and it really is loud! I guess it's oversized for the tank its on, but there is too much gurgling coming from there. I have had 3 floods since I got it too, because the siphon broke on it. As a result, I have shied away from getting any more.