which lights to get PC or T5?


Active member
What is the exact difference between t-5 lights and power compact fluorecent lights? which ones run cooler and are better to get?
I have a 240g FOWLR tank that I want to get nice lights for. I'm looking for something that gives a nice crisp look to the tank but doesn't create a lot of heat.
Any suggestions on brand names to look at that don't coast a fortune but are reliable?
are Oddyssea any good? how about Orbit?
I was thinking about getting 2 fixtures that are 48" long each with 4 bulbs 2- 1200k and 2 actinic lights.
thanks in advance.
To get the T5 everyone raves about you need to get the lights with individual reflectors. They nearly double the amount of light that is directed into the tank. Since you are fish only you only need 2 bulbs running the length of your tank (1 T5 tek retrofit kit).

T5 with individual reflectors is about 2.5 times as powerful as PC with reflectors watt to watt. I used to have 96wPC and just got 50w T5. The T5 blows the old PC away, my corals are expanding better and everything is coloring up (including fish), because of a puny 50w. Check out reefgeek.com for Tek T5. get bulbs in a ratio of 1aquablue to 1blueplus.

T5s are more efficient (they run cooler) and the bulb stays intense for 2 years, where a PC stays intense for less than a year. The result is less bulb changes and nice intense light.

The upfront cost is higher, but you will save on elec bill (less than half the watts to do the same job), half the bulb changes, and your tank/fish will be better colored.

If you go cheap and get PC you don't know what you are missing. T5 is really worth it.