Which one should I believe?


Cancer Sucks
Ok, so I just got my new Neptune Jr controller. The problem is, it shows a different temp and pH than what I had before.

The controller says 79.3 degrees, my "Little Time & Temp" says 80.6.

The controller says 8.14 pH, my pinpoint pH monitor says 8.00. I calibrated both just now using 7 and 10 fluid, and they still read differently.

Which one is right? I tend to believe the controller, but I guess I'm biasing that on which one cost more. Is that wrong?
I hated my Little temp and time meter, I had 2 and both were off by 4 degrees. I would trust my finger more than one of those.
Are the mercury type thermometers accurate? I guess the question would be, how would I know what is accurate?
Icecap electronic ballasts, but I'm not controlling anything yet; just monitoring temp and pH. The x-10 isn't connected.
clkwrk, are you suggesting EM interference from the ballasts?
The ballasts are mounted to the back of the canopy and the controller is inside the door of the sump, a good 3 feet away including 18 inches of water.
Yes I am suggesting interference.

Even at a whole 3 ft :D This is a very common problem with the AC's.

Best way to check is to shut of the ballasts 1 by 1 while watching the screen and see if the temp changes.

Btw my icecaps make my electronic door bell ring for no reason also .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6896477#post6896477 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clkwrk

Btw my icecaps make my electronic door bell ring for no reason also .

That's funny!

Thanks for the suggestion, I just turned all four ballasts off one by one, waiting about 15 seconds in between each one.
The temp on the controller never moved though.
Then you are lucky and I would trust the AC unit .Especially if both the unit and probe shipped together. If so they usally are calibrated wit each other.
It came new with temp and pH probe today.
Thanks, I was leaning toward trusting the AC unit.

Now, how about the difference with the Pinpoint pH monitor?
I would believe the controller again . I have 2 milwaukee sm122 ph controllers and both match my 2 aquacontrollers and both aquacontrollers match each other.
You can check the accuracy of any temp probe by checking against a known. Take a styrofoam cup and fill it half full of ice and add water. The water will get to 32.0 degrees it will take a minute or so. This will be your known. Can you adjust the temperature in the AQjr?
Thanks for the real-world comparisons.
My Pinpoint is going on 2 years old, so maybe the probe is getting old.
How do you know that what you are calibrating something with is actually calibrated correctly?
Freed, if you mean pH, I have a bunch of single-use pH calibration fluid packets. I have 4.0, 7.0, and 10.0.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6896650#post6896650 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Freed
How do you know that what you are calibrating something with is actually calibrated correctly?

Ph 7 and 10 were used for ph calibration as mentioned above. I don't get what your saying?Are you talking temp ?
How do you know your pH 7 solution is actually a pH of 7 and not 7.5 or 5.3 and your pH solution of 10 is actually 10 and not 9.1 or 12.6?