which pump(s) would be ideal


New member
I have 187 gallon tank that I have just added a "clean up crew" and will soon need more flow before I add corals. I have 2- 3/4" sea swirls on blueline pumps that probably flow around 750 gp/h each after all of the stuff they are feeding. It is good random flow at the upper 1/4 of the tank, but just a light current near the bottom 3/4 of the tank. The tank dimensions are 48 x 30 x 30 with 270 lbs of rock with lots of caves. Because I hate waiting list's, I wanted to know if I could do the 6200's and the controller and be fine? I have a mix of sugar fine sand and a bit larger granules and these move very little at the moment. If I go with these pumps and I direct them at the back of the rocks would the sand be stirred up a ton? If so, can I "dial" them down and still have them run on a random type program. Without seeing a multicontroller I have no idea how flexible they are. Or, of course, should I wait for the 6100's? Thanks in advance, Jesse
I would wait the 6200's make a lot of flow for such a short tank. Even the 6100's might be allot unless they are aimed diaganolly corner to corner. 30% of power is the absolute minimum and the controller overrides whatever the driver is turned to. The controller is very flexible so you can still make them pulse and use the interval feature.