which ro/di?


New member
ok Ive seen all the questions about them, but mine is only slightly dif.

from what ive read, the typhoon 3 is popular, but altely some bad things are going around it.

second is the one for sale on meleev's sight i think it is??

so which would be the better choice?
We've been running a Typhoon 3 for over a year and never had a problem with it. What "bad" things are you referring too? Ultimately, I don't think you could go too wrong with either. Melv is a big supporter on the boards so I would feel confident with both products.

Well.... www.purelyh2o.com is running a 10% off on-line order special....
Any of the units from purelyh20, AWI, Buckey and melev appear to be your best shot. The 10% off helps too!
This is the coupon code: RCDJB8HL
its in a few threads around lately, about the water not being good quality??? Alot have said maybe they had gottin a bad batch of something filter wise. But i read it yesterday.

ill check out that site and see whats up on them then.
I think those were the guys who forgot to flush the unit before running water through the DI filter. They had their DI change color fast.

I flushed mine to get rid of the preservatives on the membrane just like the instructions say and no problem with the DI or water quality.
