Which skimmer


Premium Member
I'm try to decide between a reef octopus 150 or a bubble magnus nac6. Which do you think is better? Is there something you would recommend better in the same price range. They are both around $220. It is for a 60g cube
I can't say anything for the Octopus, but I had an NAC6 for many years. On my 50g, then onto my 75g with 11 fish at one point. It ran like a champ and produced some nasty nog.

Only issue with it, as I think it's the same with any skimmer, is that I would have to leave it off for about 15 mins after swapping out my sock filter.

Other than that, flawless performance.
I have a 10x14 skimmer section in the sump so size is not a huge issue, I just want the most bang for about 200-250
I had the octopus 150 and was not that impressed. I don't really have a heavy bioload and it wasn't keeping up. Plus it was pretty loud
Everyone loves what they have at home... I am no exception :) I would suggest also looking at the SWC 120. I have the SWC 180 on my 90 gallon for about 3 years. Other than normal maintenance I have had no issues with quality of the skimmer. I can't directly compare the 180 to the 120 however as I have a sicce 2500 and I believe the 120 is powered by an attman pump. What the two skimmers do have in common is the ability to adjust the water flow leaving the skimmer AND the airflow going into the pump which allows for fine tuning of your skimmer production (i.e. wet or dry or somewhere in between)
Anyone used a sc aquariums skimmer. Its a knockoff but get really good reviews on another site. And for the price you can't beat it.
I like the BM Curves. I have the 5 and it's been good. It's a bit sensitive with water level and sudden changes (like Daimyo68 with the filter sock) but once it's settled it's a champ.
I actually just ordered the sc aquariums 302 (180g) seems to get really good reviews and for $135 shipped brand new it was to hard to pass up.
I recommended the SC skimmer to a friend of mine, based from reviews. he's been extremely happy with it's silence and performance
I'm late but I just switched the Bubble Magus 5 and love it! Consider the 5 or 7. That's switching from the Reef Octopus SRO-1000INT.
Reef dynamics ins80.

I have the ins300 and its super easy to clean and adjust. Set it and forget it, no issues with it. The quality is very good.