Which skimmer?


New member
Ok I want a good skimmer that will work unlike my SeaClone.
So my question is which one would be better for my 29g. a Bakpak 2R or Aqua C Remora.

I would have to agree that the Aquac Remora is much more powerful then Bakpak. The Bakpak would do a nice job on a 29 gallon tank though, really pretty powerful up to 40 gallon. The Aquac naturally would be great on a 29 gallon too and could go up to a 55 pretty easily.


if you want the best i would go AquaC Remora. If you have the budget, it's worth the money. I would go surface skimmer to help get rid of that skum, and/or using a powerhead or coarse air stone to break up the surface water.

I have the surface skimmer for the remora, and so far it has not done its job :(. It does however provide one to place eather chemicals or calcium blocks in the return area, and it does get rid of the microbubbles.
the MJ box would fit your tank. That is a drawback though, it looks pretty large in the tank, but also hides the pump, so blends in a little better.