Which to buy?


New member
I have a 125g 72" tank. Would it be better to buy two 6000's with a mulitcontroller or two 6000's with a controller for each so I could run both at once?

Thanks for the help,
The multicontroller will let you run both at once. I would get the multicontroller in case you didn't want to run both at once or needed to coordinate them so one was on low when the other is on high. The single controllers would make it more random however.
Thank you. Multicontroller it is. Seems as if most places are still selling the 7094(?) but I have heard talk here of a new 7095 multicontroller. If I decide to wait and get the new one what would it give me if I wasn't planning on using the moonlight feature?

Also, can you tell me exactly what the night probe is for? Does it turn the pumps on to a slower speed and keep them there all night?

It locks the pumps in at the 2nd speed- whatever you set that to.

The 7095 also has an added program and is more water resistant with a soft touch keypad. It is easier to use and offers more feedback in the form of a bargraph of pump power. It should start to come in in the next week.