which tunze streams to use?


New member
i have a 90 gallon reef tank with a variaty of corals i was wandering which tunze streams to use i want the on the controller an i was also wandering where should i place them in the tank ie front left and back right pointing towards each other any ideas would be appreciated.
I would start with one 6000, then decide based on that if you want a second, if so get the multicontroller and a second pump or just get the single controller. Depending on corals and rock layout 1 may be all you need. Either position would work, with 2 they should both be in the back corners aimed to the front center and you would run only one at a time or one at very low speed while the other is at high speed.
I have a 90gal and asked the same questions you are asking;) I ended up with two 6000's and I have two single controllers. I'm keeping all SPS so I run both at the same time one at 100% while the other is 30% and vise versa pulses every 3-5 seconds on both. Very pleased with the results no dead spots and I have a 1" SSB using sugar size reef sand;)