Which tunze to go with MP40

jeremy K

New member
I have a 90g mixed reef, currently with 2 MP40s. One of the MP40s is getting too loud, and I am considering replacing it with a tunze pump. I had a few questions:
1) which tunze is most similar in size to the MP40 while providing similar flow? I like the fact that the MP40 doesn't take up a lot of room.
2) I have an Apex controller, so I assume I don't need the separate tunze controller, right?
3) how easy/difficult is it for the controlled tunze to play nicely with a separately controlled MP40 to produce waves?
1) 6095
2) Correct, you will need the correct Apex cables though.
3) I would assume this to be very difficult, I am not sure if the Apex can do it, you would need to contact them, we would have no way to accomplish this with our controllers.
rvitko said:
1) 6095
2) Correct, you will need the correct Apex cables though.
3) I would assume this to be very difficult, I am not sure if the Apex can do it, you would need to contact them, we would have no way to accomplish this with our controllers.

Posted from ReefCentral.com App for Android
sale the mp40 and get 2 6095's, especially if you already have an apex, you will need the vdm module though

If the OP has an Apex not and Apex Jr or a Apex lite or he is already using the VSP ports there are four already on an Apex and no VDM is required...