White line disease


New member
I think I have what is clled white line disease affecting a few corals in my tank. At first I thought it was flat worms. Upon careful examination of the affected coral no predators were found. Searching the coral colonies at night with a flashlight could not locate any predators either. The affected areas are near the base of the colony and travel upwards and outwards about 2mm a day on some and maybe 2mm a week on others. The lines are very distinct and not irregularly shaped as would happen if some predator were feeding on the coral tissue. I'll snap some pictures tonight.

I did a little reasearch and found it may be casued by gram negative bacteria. I also had a huge outbreak of cyano months ago which is now gone but I still find the odd patch of black cyano growing on some rocks. Are there any medications that I can dip the coral into? Can an anti-biotic be used to treat the whole tank? Something like red slime remover?