White spots on tang


Active member
For just over a week now my clown tang has 2 white spots on his fins , 1 on the side and 1 on the back
I though ich at first but they would have dropped of by now no?
For just over a week now my clown tang has 2 white spots on his fins , 1 on the side and 1 on the back
I though ich at first but they would have dropped of by now no?
The life cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans (Marine Ich) varies in time depending upon its environment. Mostly, it is varied by the temperature of the water. The part of the cycle where it is seen on the fish (Trophonts) is usually 3-7 days, but it can be longer.

If you need help in identifying what you see, then make a video longer than one minute under white light up close to the fish, showing both sides of the fish. You can upload the video to YouTube then post the link to it here.
Not a killer? Just keep well fed ?
If its Lympho, then I would focus on good nutrition + vitamins, probiotics and especially Beta-glucan in the feed: Vitamins, Probiotics & Herbal Remedies

Like herpes in humans, you can never completely get rid of the virus. The best you can do is send the Lympho virus back into remission and prevent further flare-ups. Good nutrition, low stress (e.g. not fighting with other fish), and not getting infected by other diseases (e.g. ich, velvet) are the best ways to accomplish this.
The tang passed , he got so thin that it killed him
He was eating a small amount but I think whatever he had was with him when I bought him

The lfs refused any responsibility
The tang passed , he got so thin that it killed him
He was eating a small amount but I think whatever he had was with him when I bought him

The lfs refused any responsibility
I am very sorry for the loss. The spots may not have been related to any particular malady. The fish may have had internal flukes/worms. There is a chance that the way the fish was captured (if the fish was caught in the wild). Some places still use cyanide to catch fish. I wish I could have seen the fish swimming around when it was alive.

The LFS's responsibility may be an issue of time. How long did you have this fish before it passed?
Karantine is the rule. Min 30 days. Try to believe. Disaster including a new animal with problems can be catastrophic. Allways use your own small tank air bubble filter some tube for hidding fish and control water include carbon few days than remove and throw it away...use UV light small one for nail polish also enough over karantine if you dont use proper UV lamp flow through...
Once virus is in main tank mama mia cant help...