I didn't try Revive yet.
I use only iodine/iodide solutions for my dips.
It works great for everything I've tried in the past.
I didn't have an algae problem yet and would use hydrogen peroxide for that, if so.
I never experienced problems with spiders, nor nudis.
The snails I just pick them off the colony and do an egg hunt at night.
Assuming that's not bleaching, and if it is any bacterial or fungal problem, yes. Lugol solution or any type of iodine/iodide solution would work well.
You can get 8 to 10 oz of fresh water and add 3 to 5 drops of Lugol solution to it.
Dip for up to a minute. The polyps will close. After the dip just return the frag back to the aquarium. Should be ok...
I hope others could say for Revive product. Hope it works too.
If it's zoo pox you can use Furan-2.
Please read this and see the pictures for proper identification and treatment: