who freshwater dips new mushrooms?


New member
Whats the best way to acclimate new mushrooms. I'm getting a bullseye mushroom and an assorted colony polyp tomorrow and am not sure what the best acclimation method for the mushroom is. Is a 5 minute freshwater dip then in the tank the best way?
not unless you think theres something nasty on the rock you want off.fresh water puts small organisms into shock.it can also do that to your coral if its in long enough.
i just acclimate them like a fish.float them in a bag a few minutes then pour some water out and add some from the tank and wait a few minutes,do it again then remove from the bag and put in the tank.i don't like their water getting in my tank unless its a coral that can't be exposed to the air,then i have no choice.it takes 20-30 minutes my way.mushrooms are hardy so they would probably live if you just put them in without acclimating but i like to be safe.