Who has small clams for sale?

Hey coral farmers,
I'm looking for several small clams for a specific tank and don't want to spend all day on line trying to find who has clams and who doesn't. So, if you have the time please reply and let me know if you have clams in the 1" to 2" size area as I am looking to purchase multiple clams I don't want to spend a fortune on the big ones.
hey tim,
click on coral dynamics(RC sponser)
they have clams $10-$20 bux.
been thinking of getting some myself
Hey guys,

I found out that Coral Dynamics offers T. Maximas for $15 - $20 and they will give you 50% off if they choose the clams.

They Charge $4 box fee and fedex prices for shipping

East Coast clams.com is selling three T. Maximas for $105 shipping included.

If any of you are interested in ordering some clams and then splitting the costs let me know. I'm willing to order from pretty much anywhere that has a good reputation and good prices.
let me know
