Who is not using a sandbed??


New member
I have been having hair algae problems for the past yr or so. I am now breaking down my 535 and going to set up a 180.

I have gotten rid of most of my livestock and today started removing the sandbed. I can't believe the amount of detritis in the bed!! There is no way this is not fouling the water!!

Who is not using a sandbed or who has removed it with good results?
I went BB 2 yrs ago on my 200gallon and never looked back. I admit the the white bottom is not appealing at first but that quickly is replaced with coraline and corals. I believe in a strong skimmer and proper water movement. Even with a BB, I usually vacuum deitris and I can't believe the amount of stuff that accumulates.

If you want an aquarium to enjoy fish and corals go BB. If you want an aquarium to enjoy the small critters that are needed to maintain a sand then go with a sandbed.