It ends up being that way since I dose Alk for 30 seconds every 2hrs 35min and Ca for 30 seconds every 4 hrs 15 minutes. I suppose there is a random chance that eventually the cycles may fall at the same time but I think it may take years for those odds to come in. I have a Alk of 9 DKH and Ca of 420ppm, always..every day. And it is not hard to adjust the dosage to find the params that you want, once they're set, the only possibility of a dosage difference would be if the rubber hose wore out, or if you did'nt make subsequent batches of 2-part the same as the last. BTW, my hoses have 3 months on them and are still in good shape, I think just to be safe that I will change them every 3-4 months. -$12 MarineDepot