Who uses 2-part on their SPS reef ?


Active member
I've been having a discussion in another forum about the pros. of using Randy's 2-part Ca/Alk buffers. I use it and all is well, but just to see how others are doing...are those of you who use it, satissfied? any issues that you can confirm come from using this method as opposed to a Ca reactor or brand-name buffers.
I use Randy's 2-part and quite like it. I don't like CA reactors because they tend to lower PH and my ph is low enough (8.0-8.1) What I would like to do in the future is get an automatic doser to adminaster my 2 part for me.

I use it too. I have had no issues for the past year or so. Great way of working with thing that you are in control of. I have always feared from what additional chemicals brand name products may have to make theirs seems better. IME
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7226068#post7226068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsweir
I'm on board, but I only use the Ca+ part -- my kalk reactor gives me all the alk I need.

That's true, I certanally don't dose equal amounts of the two parts. I dose about 17 ML alk and 34 ML CA per day, ontop of kalk with 4-5 gallons topoff per day.

Over time you'll find an imbalance created. Kalk gives a balanced calcium and alkalinty component. It may not be apparent if you do water changes with a lower calcium salt such as IO on a frequent enough basis to balance out the supplementation imbalance.
If I don't dose just Ca+, my Ca+ level drops and my alk goes up to 11 - 12 dkh. I do use IO, and I only do what is necessary to keep the balance...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7226551#post7226551 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marilynrn711
what kind of doser can you get.

Don't know, haven't decided/reasearched enough yet.

I have seen threads on it though, and it seems like a great sulution. Perhaps one of the people using this method could chime in.

I use a 2 part also and am thinking about getting an automatic doser. I saw this, but am not sure if this can be program to dose say 60ml this and 50ml that at this certain time interval. It'll sure beat dosing every morning or training someone when you are away. This would also still be cheaper than a ca reactor setup. Anyone with inputs on how this thing works?

here a picture of it
The Aquamedic doser works great. You do not tell it to dose an amount, however, you tell it how often you want it to come on and how long to run when it comes on. It requires a little trial and error.
I use the Aquamedic reefdoser twin too, it is the most fantastic piece of equipement I own, keeps Ca and Alk totaly stable.
It ends up being that way since I dose Alk for 30 seconds every 2hrs 35min and Ca for 30 seconds every 4 hrs 15 minutes. I suppose there is a random chance that eventually the cycles may fall at the same time but I think it may take years for those odds to come in. I have a Alk of 9 DKH and Ca of 420ppm, always..every day. And it is not hard to adjust the dosage to find the params that you want, once they're set, the only possibility of a dosage difference would be if the rubber hose wore out, or if you did'nt make subsequent batches of 2-part the same as the last. BTW, my hoses have 3 months on them and are still in good shape, I think just to be safe that I will change them every 3-4 months. -$12 MarineDepot
anyone have any experience with the litermeters? i'd like to be able to know exactly how much i'm dosing into my tank. i really like the display it provides that shows the dosing information.

but yeah...$$$$....
I use the litermeter and have it set for 8.00 liters per day of kalk. I used to use a different peristaltic pump that would just pump what I evaporated but the problem with that setup was that on some days I added more than other days and it really varied depending on the time of year. Now I just give it an exact amount per day and make up the difference with ro/di. The newer litermeter3's could do kalk, alk, and ca all with one unit but a pretty hefty price for the litermeter3 and 2 extra remote pumps. Since mine is the older single pump litermeter I still have to do the 2 part manually but am managing at this time to only have to do the 2 part 1 or 2 times per week.