Who was looking to buy berghias before?

i was looking for them pretty hard awhile back but ended up getting a copperbanded butterfly and took out all my aipstasia within a few months.. and we had it EVERYWHERE.. it looked like we were trying to grow it.i never actually saw him eat anything but he died a few months ago and the aips are growing back.
Why not get an aiptasia remover? My brother just got some, and it worked pretty well. Just inject the meds into the anemone and they just melt away usually.
you cant always use it when you have so much.. we bought a 90 gal tank from another reefer and it has like 150 pounds of rock that was covered in aipstasia. and especially when it is in a place you cannot reach the nudi's are really good at getting to it.

and if you have zoos or button polyps near the aipstasia you dont want the remover to get into them becasue it can kill them as well.
well, if you want to take all the rock out of the tank, you can dip each rock in a bucket of concentrated lime water a few minutes and probably kill the aptasia off. as long as nothing is growing on the rock that you want. it will probably kill of the algea too.
I've used Kalk to kill aiptasia before many times with great successes. Several times I've killed aipstasia that grow up in the middle of large colonies of zoanthids and all of the zoas survived.

I really wish someone would do a large survey of who has kept a CBB and it died and who has managed to keep one alive for more then a year.
Mine was alive and kicking along time after the aipstasia was gone.. he didnt seem to be thin or anything and then one day was just bones. i wish i had thought to give him away before he died