I can't keep peppermint shrimp in my main tank. I bought 4 peppermint shrimp last year when I had an aptasia outbreak. They did the job but they all disappeared. Had another outbreak and bought 5 more about a month ago. The aptasia was dwindling but now its back with a vengence. The pepps were really tiny and now they all seem to be MIA.
90 gallon mixed reef running for 7 years. I have not added anything else motile in years. Suspects are: 2 ocellaris clowns,3 zebra dart fish, yellow tail damsel, lyre tail anthias, bartlets anthias, flame wrasse (who I suspect), one skunk cleaner shrimp, a large red brittle star and a large harlequin serpent star.
I also have a 40 gallon with 2 big pepps that i have had in there a couple years. Tank is aptasia free.
Should I add new peppermint shrimp or am I just feeding the residents?
90 gallon mixed reef running for 7 years. I have not added anything else motile in years. Suspects are: 2 ocellaris clowns,3 zebra dart fish, yellow tail damsel, lyre tail anthias, bartlets anthias, flame wrasse (who I suspect), one skunk cleaner shrimp, a large red brittle star and a large harlequin serpent star.
I also have a 40 gallon with 2 big pepps that i have had in there a couple years. Tank is aptasia free.
Should I add new peppermint shrimp or am I just feeding the residents?